Mason, as well as mom and dad, came ready to laugh!

everything about this photo is simply gorgeous...

...now you know
one of my favorites -
Their family vacation didn't just consist of Ashley, her husband Matt, and Mason - it included their whole crew! Ashley has been coming to Daytona beach every year with her extended family since she was Mason's age. A wonderful family tradition that I think is awesome.
After we took some nice family pictures with everyone they all headed back into the hotel to get in their bathing suits for their day at the beach.
I had a chance to shoot some nice moments with just Ashley and Matt. Best buds.
Mason's little hand was too tiny to push into the sand, so we came up with this. The perfect ending to a super fun morning working with Ashley and her family.
Did you ever love to eat something totally weird when you were little? (or maybe yesterday!) Leave some comments and let me know!!
Beautiful family photoshoot. You guys are fabulous. Oh and to answer your question on the bottom: I can't really remember...but I remember when I was like in PreK or something. I liked to chew on dried glue (the elmers white kind that would dry up after a project) But, I don't think I ate it...just chewed it like gum but that's the best I can remember. Now you know. ha ha LOL
Amanda, that's too funny!