We're super excited about this! We are officially launching our iPad Wedding albums and iWedding Moments Package. So much is changing in how we display and share our photographs with our friends, family, and co workers over the last few years and we now have the most exciting, the most convenient, and the most fun way to show off your wedding pictures to the world!

For more information on our iWedding Moments Package, please click
here or find it in wedding photography pricing under the information tab at
We just finished with a crazy busy weekend filled with four weddings and a birthday! So here are all of the details and sneak peeks -
On Friday, Todd was in St. Augustine, FL for Maegan and Philip's wedding on the beach. I've had a chance to flip through all of his pictures, and Maegan looked stunning!! She had the most gorgeous flowing dress - just beautiful.

On Saturday, I was in Rochester, NY for Lisa and David's wedding at ArtisanWorks. I had been looking forward to their wedding FOREVER!! Lisa was absolutely gorgeous, and David looked so handsome. They are one of the sweetest couples! I was telling Lisa's mom at the reception that I was looking forward to their wedding for so long that I didn't want the evening to end!!

Sunday was our double feature! And sometime in the wee hours of the morning - I TURNED 25!! I woke up to phone calls from family, lots of love over on facebook, and a text from my brother telling me "the Detroit Lions called me this morning and said they are dedicating today's win to you as a birthday gift" (they lost...and I'm not a Lions fan...or a football fan...but I sure do love my brother!). It was a great way to start my day!
Back over on the Florida end of the world, Todd was in Celebration for Janelle and Justin's Wedding. This wedding was filled with gorgeous little details. She must have spent months making everything so perfect. Each picture Todd would show me, I would say "ohh I love that!", "that's too cute!!", "that looks delicious!". I can't wait to get a blog up about their day so that you can see all of those gorgeous details I was ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over!! Here is the truly lovely Janelle heading down the aisle -

On Sunday evening, I was at the Esperanza Mansion on Keuka Lake in NY for Beverlee and Nick's wedding. Beverlee is Todd's cousin, and this was our first wedding for family! I had such a great time!! Beverlee looked like Cinderella in her beautiful ball gown wedding dress, and Nick looked like a true gentlemen in his uniform. When they exchanged their rings, Nick gave her a little kiss on her hand. I sighed and smiled along with all of the females there - you can just feel the love that filled their ceremony.

It was a great weekend, and we were so happy to share it with four wonderful couples. Each wedding was so unique - and this is what I LOVE about my job!!
Stay tuned for a giveaway we're working on in honor of my birthday!!
For their 10th Wedding Anniversary, Cecilia and Vladimir celebrated by renewing their vows at the beautiful Casa Feliz.
They are from Guatemala and their guests travelled from all over the world to be with them on this special day. All of their friends and family were able to make a Disney vacation of it (and the World Cup was going on that week as well, so there was plenty of excitement and things to celebrate!)

Their super cute personalized Hershey Kisses

The room at Casa Feliz is so warm and beautiful - the perfect spot for their intimate family celebration.

Usually once I'm going through all of the photographs on the computer after an event, it's hard to remember which photos I took and those that Todd took. I do remember this time though! Todd took this beautiful shot - he showed it to me on his LCD just a few moments later and I just about died! Gorgeous!!

Cecilia looked stunning in her pale pink dress

Built in 1932, Casa Feliz is a stunning Mansion that was recently restored in 2000. At that time, the Winter Park community came together and raised $1.2 Million in private donations to pay for the restoration and save it from demolition. The house now sits 300 yards from where it originally sat! It was literally picked up and moved to it's new spot!! Such a beautiful gem in a really great town.

Their are so many beautifully romantic spots around the grounds of Casa Feliz.

It trickled rain all day, so their outdoor ceremony was quickly set up indoors and was equally as beautiful. How wonderful is that ceiling!

I always find vow renewals so special. What a beautiful way to celebrate their milestone anniversary.

Cecilia and Vlad have three adorable boys.

Some of their guests did not speak English, but thank goodness Todd knows how to speak Spanish. What a huge help!

It was such a pleasure to meet all of Cecilia and Vladimir's family. Thank you so much for having us be a part of such a special day in your marriage.

And a special thanks to all of the staff at Casa Feliz - such a pleasure to work with!